Wednesday, June 25, 2008


....dalam zaman yang serba canggih neh rupanya masih ada kaum yang masih belum terdedah dengan dunia luar..... kalau kita korek dalam2 kat mesia neh pun mungkin jugak ada yang macam neh..!!!

Members of an unknown Amazon Basin tribe and their dwellings are seen during a flight over the Brazilian state of Acre along the border with Peru in this May, 2008 photo distributed by FUNAI, the government agency for the protection of indigenous peoples. Survival International estimates that there are over 100 uncontacted tribes worldwide, and says that uncontacted tribes in the region are under increasing threat from illegal logging over the border in Peru....


floweristachantress said...

tak sangka nya..

sue cipot said...

uikssss nak p pindah pat sana lah,
jimat sikit xyah shopping baju,
xyah beli keta,
xyah bayar duet sewa umah
uiksss jimat woooooo
tp nak keja apa ek pat sana?